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This Gears Vector Nerf gun is amazing. Powered by the angled Flycore blaster framework means you know it's going to perform solidly and be reliable. It can use angled Worker Talon magazines or also Nightingale magazines. The Gears Vector accepting Nightingale mags is so perfect and reminds me of the real Vector again -- the real Kriss Vector actually works with Glock magazines, so the parallel between Nerf gun and real gun is insane here. Full auto with a 2-stage trigger, the Gears Vector is a high performance short-dart blaster that you have to see to believe.

The Gears Vector is such an amazing blaster. Before this, if you were a fan of the Kriss Vector, you would have to take a Nerf Stryfe and install a Kriss Vector body kit. This worked pretty well, but it always still looked a tiny bit like a Stryfe in Kriss clothing. The Gears Vector looks almost identical to a real steel Kriss Vector and I absolutely love that.

This particular Gears Vector was designed by Gears, powered by OFD Flycore blaster framework, and printed, assembled, and sold by Foamdemic. LiPo battery required, but not included. Printed in PETG. Also available cheaper, in PLA: Gears Vector Full Build.

Don't miss out on these other Nerf necessities...

Dart Zone Pro MK 4 Sniper ...

The Dart Zone Pro MK-4 spring powered dart blaster is a super high performance pump-action Nerf gun sniper rifle that shoots at muzzle velocities of over 200+ feet per second with its included power boosting FPS Barrel extension. Insane!


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Coop772's Nerf Rapidstrike...

Nerf YouTuber Coop772 was one of the first Nerf modders to create a Rapidpistol, which was a minimized Rapidstrike mod. By cutting off the barrel and stock, Coop created a Nerf Uzi - and now this classic Nerf gun mod can be yours! #tactics


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Nerf Modulus Recon MKIII B...

They say third time's a charm and they were right with the Nerf Modulus Recon MK III blaster. The Recon is better than it's ever been and better looking, too! This is a blaster built for someone who likes building onto blasters. The Recon M...


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SPAMF Nerf FalconFire Mod

As the ULTIMATE Nerf FalconFire mod, the SPAMF is a "Slide-Prime Action Mag-fed Falconfire." The SPAMF includes an upgraded 3D-printed body, with short dart Talon mag-well, barrel, breech, trigger and a spring spacer. Hits around 100+ FPS


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NERF LMTD Magic: The Gathe...

The NERF LMTD Lightning Lair is a Magic: The Gathering Secret Lair blaster that includes 6 darts, 2 shells, and 2 MTG trading cards! The Lightning Lair is a spring powered, shell-fed, triple shot shotgun pistol based on the Nerf Shellstrike.


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Dart Zone Omnia Pro

The Dart Zone Omnia Pro is a high performance, flywheel powered, rechargeable battery operated, half-length dart blaster with a select-fire switch to alternate between semi-auto, burst, or full automatic foam flinging, all at over 150 FPS!


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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtl...

This Nerf Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Blaster is a hammer-action Nerf gun revolver with a 5 dart cylinder and a wicked awesome paintjob on both sides! Whether you like TMNT or not, you've got to admit this little pistol is very striking!


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Blaster Model 1887

The M1887 Blaster is a lever-action Nerf gun w/shell-ejection designed to look and function like the Winchester Model 1887 shotgun, famous for being the most overpowered weapon to ever grace a Call of Duty title, back in Modern Warfare 2.


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Nerf Rival Forerunner

The Nerf Rival Forerunner is a shotgun style, breech-loaded Rival blaster with a pistol grip and sweet pump-action. Part of the "Accu-Rival" series of competition styled Nerf guns, it includes adjustable ABS sights and 12 blue Accu-Rounds.


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