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Just to reiterate: If you for some reason get these Sniper Pointed Nerf Dart Tips, do NOT shoot them at anybody or even in the general direction where anybody might be. Don't shoot it if you think anyone or their dog even has a remote chance of being in that direction, period. I can't stress that enough. On the other hand, though, I've heard they are excellent at popping balloons if you had some kind of challenge game like that at an ADULT party. 

Okay, enough being a responsible adult.... these darts look kinda cool. They look like real bullets. Foam bullets for your Nerf guns. And they're available in so many different colors. Just be safe.

Don't miss out on these other Nerf necessities...

Coop772's Nerf Rapidstrike...

Nerf YouTuber Coop772 was one of the first Nerf modders to create a Rapidpistol, which was a minimized Rapidstrike mod. By cutting off the barrel and stock, Coop created a Nerf Uzi - and now this classic Nerf gun mod can be yours! #tactics


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The Nerf Blaster Modificat...

This unofficial Nerf Blaster Mod Guide will teach you basic principles of modding and how to mod certain popular Nerf guns from start to finish. If you're hesitant to jump into the world of modding, let this book be your Nerf Modder's Bible.


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Knuckle Duster Pump Grip

If you're bored with the lackluster or undersized stock pump-action foregrips included with your blaster, this Knuckle Guard Pump Grip for the Nexus Pro and Stryker is the perfect way to spice things up on your favorite Dart Zone blaster.


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The NUOTHE'AN LS-21 Nerf G...

This one of a kind Nerf integration is the Official Winner of the MergeMasters 3 Mod Contest. It combines a Nerf Modulus, a Nerf Rayven, a Nerf Longshot, Nerf Mega Centurion and the Mega Magnus into one certified EPIC Nerf gun mod.


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X-Shot Hyper Gel ACR

X-Shot has got into the Gel blaster game now too with their flagship model, the X-Shot Hyper Gel HPG-700, which looks like a blaster version of the Remington ACR. Complete with rechargeable battery, select-fire, and a 700 round mag. Neat.


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Coop772's Tricked Out Trion

Popular Nerf YouTuber Coop772 is selling his personal Game Face Trion blaster. It has been modified to be as tacti-cool as possible, with a custom paintjob, an assortment of real steel Magpul attachments, and a screw on Worker suppressor.


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D-Dart Pro Wrist Blaster N...

The D-Dart Pro Blaster is like a Nerf Gun that goes around your wrists. Light and compact, the D-Dart Pro can shoot 27 darts in less than a second. It's the coolest and possibly quickest Nerf gun you'll see today. Grab 2 to dual wield!


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Nerf Jungle Style Magazines

The Nerf Modulus Flip Clip Upgrade Kit includes two 12-dart magazines affixed together, jungle style. Load up both mags and load it into your blaster. When your mag is empty, just flip it around and reinsert the other end of the mag. Nice!


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Nerf Stryfe Kriss Vector M...

This orange, injection molded ABS Kriss Vector Mod Kit from Worker turns your Nerf Stryfe into the iconic Kriss Vector submachine gun. Yes, the very same one that keeps melting you in Call of Duty/Warzone around every corner.


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